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The Pests Stop Here!

meadow vole

How Do Meadow Voles Damage Yards In The Bay Area?

Have you ever heard of the term girdling? It is when the bark of a tree has been removed causing the tree to lose its ability to supply its need for water and nutrients causing trees to dry out and die. Girdling is just one of the significant damages that meadow voles can cause to your property. What Are Meadow

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tick monterey

The Problems Fleas & Ticks Bring To Your Monterey Bay Area Property

If you have spent any extended amount of time outdoors, then you have heard about fleas and ticks. Every nature survival instructor, veterinarian, and scout leader warns about them, commercials on television advertise products to keep them off of you, teachers even teach children about them in schools. Despite this, many people are still misinformed about these little pests. If

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